Hello! My name is Michael Paul.
I grew up a son of the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, a non-denominational branch of the Stone-Campbell Movement. We are a (non) denomination that grew out of the Second Great Awakening, a Protestant reformation movement in the mid- to late 19th century.
My father was a conservative, evangelical preacher and my mother worked a variety of jobs which always revolved the church. He pastored several churches around the Midwest. She founded a couple preschools and worked as a regional representative for a Christian publishing house.
I grew up in the church, but was not baptized until my teen years. I will tell that story in more detail in another post. I graduated from a Christian liberal arts college. The school did a good job of giving us as students some tools to help us learn how to think without restricting the actual thoughts we should think.
I have had a variety of jobs since then, from grading standardized tests to assisting the chief executive of a plush toy company. I initially went into youth ministry and am hoping to return to ministry in the near future.
Theologically, I focus on the Bible, those times in Church history when the Church was unified, and those figures who found the conviction to move the Church forward. Politically, I have found that conservatives call me a liberal and liberals label me a conservative. Recently, I have come to embrace my role as a moderate, to the extent that I think it is our culture’s best, if also its least clear, path forward.
I love God, blatantly and unabashedly. I want everything I am, everything I think, do, say and write to glorify God. I believe the glorification of God is our ultimate purpose in life.
I love my wife, blatantly and unabashedly. She is my best friend and my better half. Being the husband she deserves is my penultimate aim, second only to my desire to glorify God.
I love my family. I love my friends. I also love you, blatantly and unabashedly. I want what is best for the all of us. This web site, its articles and materials, are meant for our mutual growth. If you want to chat with me, you can reach out below. If you want to contribute to this web site, reach out below. If you need to share and want someone who will read what you have to say, reach out.
I am here for you.
Until We Talk Again,
Michael Paul